Suffolk Giving

The Suffolk Giving fund provides the opportunity for you to give to support people in the county you love.

Every penny we raise together for the Suffolk Giving Fund will be used to support the work of charities and community groups in Suffolk – there are some 5,000 of them in total supported by over 60,000 local volunteers.

Over half of our voluntary groups are entirely volunteer-led and run at a local grassroots level. They provide essential support to individuals and communities and operate on tiny budgets of considerably less than £10,000 a year. Their inability to compete for funding with larger charities means that over 78% of the money we give each year reaches only the top 3% of charities; this means that a similar amount of our giving here in Suffolk leaves our county never to return.

Our voluntary sector in Suffolk is empowered by local giving and they badly need us to do more to help them. It would be no exaggeration to say that Suffolk would come to a standstill without them.

The Suffolk Giving Fund has distributed £126,654 in the last financial year to over 50 groups including…

  • 48th Ipswich Brownies
  • Brave Futures
  • Bungay Community Support
  • Dora Brown
  • East Anglia’s Children’s Hospice
  • Forge Community Church
  • Lapwing Suffolk
  • Suffolk Rape Crisis
  • The Befriending Scheme
  • The Mix Stowmarket
  • West Suffolk Hive CIC