Arts & Culture Fund

Grant Type Core costs & project costs
Current status Closed
Applications accepted from Social Enterprises? Yes
Maximum grant available £2,000
Grant opens 20th January 2025
Deadlines 3rd March with decisions by late April

Brief Description

Grants of up to £2,000 to ensure equality of access to the benefits that arts and culture can provide to improve the lives of those most in need in Suffolk.


Suffolk already has an enviable reputation as a cultural hub for many art forms that play a key role in making Suffolk a better place for all. The arts and culture sector is a vibrant part of the Suffolk economy and is a platform for change for many individuals.

Our experience of grantmaking has also shown that arts and culture organisations throughout Suffolk are already extremely well placed in understanding the needs of our community, and in delivering programmes to help those most disadvantaged in our society. The arts can be used to break down barriers and bring communities together, encouraging diversity and ensuring accessibility.

The objective of this fund is to ensure equality of access to the clear benefits that arts and culture can provide to improve the lives of those most in need in Suffolk.

Grants of up to £2,000 are available.

The key areas of this need that the fund seeks to address are those that have emerged from our Hidden Needs report:

  • Material want or income poverty
  • Loneliness or social isolation
  • Lack of access or limited access to services and opportunities.

To achieve this objective, projects must fit into at least one of the following themes:

  • Activities that aid the improvement of physical and emotional health/wellbeing
  • Tackling disadvantage by supporting participation and inclusive access to arts based projects
  • Developing communities that work together to support each other.

Who can apply?

This funding is open to groups who have charitable objectives. Community groups or registered charities can apply as can social enterprises and community interest groups.  The fund will consider applications from “micro-organisations” that are delivering local services but who do not have a constitution if it is hosted and supported by either the local Town or Parish Council or other constituted organisation that has charitable aims.

Please read our grantmaking guidelines here to check your eligibility prior to applying to this fund.


Apply now (now closed)