Suffolk Police & Crime Commissioner’s Fund

Grant Type Core costs & project costs (minimal capital costs)
Current status Open
Applications accepted from Social Enterprises? Yes
Maximum grant available £20,000
Deadlines Close of business 14 April 2025 with decisions expected by the end of July

Brief Description

Grants of between £2,500 and £20,000 are available for services that reduce crime and disorder and support victims of crime. Grants will not normally exceed 10% of an organisation’s total income – exceptions may apply.


It is recognised that VCFSE organisations play a significant role in reducing crime and disorder and in supporting victims. Therefore, the fund is looking for strong applications that demonstrate delivery on the following key areas of the Police and Crime Plan

Theme 2: Commission services which support victims of crime and invest in initiatives which reduce crime, disorder and offending. 

Theme 3: Effective engagement with communities and working with partner agencies to enhance community safety and criminal justice.

 Applications will need to:

  • Address the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan
  • Clearly identify gaps in service/provision
  • Use data, evidence from previous work, and/or use of wider best practice for delivery

Written evidence of agreed referral pathways (i.e. the process for recruiting participants) must be provided with your application (e.g. Probation, YJS/YOT, Police, NHS etc.). An application will not be considered unless this is confirmed in writing by the external partner.

When applying, a written endorsement from organisations you are working in partnership with or your local Community Policing Team will help support your application. Your local officer can be found here:

Primary Beneficiaries

As a minimum requirement, any application will need to target one of the following groups:

  • Adult Offenders
  • Children & Young People (offenders, at risk of offending and exploitation)
  • Communities (at risk of/affected by crime and/or fear of crime and ASB)
  • Victims of crime (excluding DA and Sexual Abuse/Violence)

Outcomes and Measurements

Bespoke outcomes are welcome, however as a minimum all applications will need to show impact against at least one of the following outcomes:

  • Improved Confidence, Resilience and/or Feelings of Safety
  • Increased Education, Skills, Training and/or Employability
  • Reduced Offending, Violence and/or Exploitation
  • Improved Mental Health, Reduced Addiction and/or Homelessness

All outcomes need to be measurable. While we welcome bespoke data and measurements of outcomes, the minimum requirements for reporting can be discussed by contacting a Grants Officer.

Monitoring Requirements

All successful applications will need to report progress as agreed by the PCC funding panel. You will be provided with a template which will need to be completed by the project lead. This will include:

  • Summary of Project (i.e. what was agreed to be delivered)
  • Outline of Outcomes (i.e. agreed level of impact)
  • Progress and Best Practice (i.e. what went well)
  • Learning and Challenges (i.e. struggles both internal and external)
  • Sustainability (i.e. how you plan to continue after the funding had ended)

In addition, a minimum of one case study and a quote from a beneficiary will need to be provided to show the impact of delivery.

Multi-year funding 

There are limited opportunities for multi-year funding for organisations who have previously received a PCC grant and provided satisfactory monitoring reporting. If you wish to apply for multi-year funding it is essential that you contact the Foundation and speak to a Grants Officer before applying.

Additional points to note:

  • Match funding will enhance the chance of success of your application, especially where partnership working is evidenced.


  • All successful applicants will be required to publicise their grants using the logos of the OPCC and Suffolk Community Foundation in any literature produced as part of the project. The OPCC logo will be included in the grant offer email.
  • Wherever possible, visits to your project by the PCC will be arranged via the Foundation.


  • Operational overheads can only be included where they form an integral part of the project delivery costs. Reclaiming general, management and staffing overheads will not be accepted.
  • Grants will not cover security systems/fences/cameras/CCTV etc.
  • Only small amounts of capital may be requested (10% of total request).
  • Anyone in direct receipt of funding from the OPCC will normally not be eligible to apply to this fund. If there is a different project that requires funding, please speak to a Grants Officer prior to applying.
  • Those tackling domestic abuse/violence, sexual abuse/violence cannot apply to this fund.
  • Please see our general exclusions here.

What next?

If you feel that your proposal addresses the criteria of the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner’s Fund and Plan, please complete a grant application form. If you need support, please call a member of the Grants Team on 01473 602602.

