The team at Suffolk Community Foundation would like to wish those who have been recognised in the New Year’s Honours for their work in the voluntary sector in Suffolk our warmest congratulations!

THANK YOU for your tireless commitment and hard work improving lives across the county.

Ann Osborn – The Rural Coffee Caravan
Christine Boatwright – Kernos Centre
Barbara Boyd – The Hadleigh Thrift Shop
Muriel Bridges – St Elizabeth Hospice
Lilian Winter – St Elizabeth Hospice

Across Suffolk there are thousands of people involved in good causes who deserve to be formally recognised with a National Honour.  You can nominate anyone for an Honour, but only those who have carried out exceptional service will be awarded one.  Before putting someone forward, consider if they have achieved the following:

  • Made a real impact in their community
  • Exemplified the very best sustained voluntary service
  • Changed things for the better
  • Improved the lives of those less able to help themselves.

Help is at hand with your nomination by emailing [email protected].  To find the nomination form, please visit  Remember, do not tell the person you are nominating, it must be a surprise!