With a focus on supporting fathers, father figures and families – E.P.I.C stands for Encourager, Provider, Instructor, and Carer.
The grant they received from the Suffolk Coronavirus Community Fund enabled the West Suffolk based organisation to continue to support fathers, father figures, and families via phone calls, text messages, emails, Facebook, and Zoom video calls.
As the pandemic has continued, Richard and his team have further developed new ways to engage with, and support, fathers and their families. Their one-to-one wellbeing walks have proved really popular with many dads accessing this service. This is giving dads the opportunity to talk through their challenges and feelings, whilst enjoying some fresh air, exercise, and a change of surroundings. Their wellbeing support is helping dads work through problems and feel more positive in life and confident in their Fatherhood role.
As well as baby packs, they have delivered survival kit backpacks to new and expectant dads, and good quality second-hand clothes, toys, books, and games for the children. They have partnered with some local pubs to deliver home cooked meals to local families in need of support. Meeting this practical need has encouraged parents who may be feeling isolated and has led to referrals to other support services. They have also started a weekly new father’s support group on Zoom which is creating space for new dads to connect and share their experiences of becoming a father through the pandemic. Zoom quiz nights are also in the weekly schedule, offering social opportunities for dads.
As restrictions are lifted the team at EPIC Dad are looking forward to offering in person groups and courses again at their EPIC Centre with plans to reopen in September.
![super-dad Baby supplies](https://www.suffolkcf.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/super-dad.jpg)
We are very grateful for all the support from Suffolk Community Foundation which has enabled us to help dads through our wellbeing, parenting, and family support. We hope to reach more fathers through our support services in the days to come.