Family First
Family First Volunteers

Family First are a local Christian charity who support families by matching them with a trained volunteer who can listen, support and empower them to take small steps and make a big impact in family life. They work with all families regardless of religion, culture or family make up. Their aim is to see parents and carers improve their confidence, social support networks and mental wellbeing in order to see happy and resilient families.

The impact of Covid had a huge impact on the service and they worked hard to adapt their offer to ensure support could continue in a safe way for the families, volunteers and staff. Funding was sought to allow all volunteers to be issued with smart phones to allow virtual face to face contact allowing the families and volunteers to continue to benefit from the supportive relationships.

Across Suffolk, there has been a huge response to the need for volunteering in so many areas in response to the Covid crisis and Family First are hoping this willingness to support others will continue. Funding received this year via Suffolk Community Foundation has enabled Family First to take on new Family Coordinators from December 2021.

I’ve been amazed at how well our volunteers have adapted to the new and difficult circumstances they have faced. They truly are the heart of our organization. As we continue to receive increasing referrals for support we need to continue to recruit more volunteers and have had to look at different ways to do this.  Funding from the Foundation has been vital in helping us with this recruitment of more vital members to our team.

Sarah Stapleton

Service Lead, Family First