Sharing Parenting

Sharing Parenting Resource Pack

Sharing Parenting uses the Adlerian ethos that all children’s behaviour is underpinned by a purpose and that parents are key teachers of their children. The organisation is supporting families adversely affected by Covid-19 by supplying child activity bags to vulnerable families, online parenting resources to support positive relationships in families, online videos on self-care, one-to-one parent and carer telephone support, and one-to-one child telephone support. 
Using their grant from the Suffolk Coronavirus Community Fund, Sharing Parenting have delivered 100 family resource packs to families in need, containing games, toys, crafts, stationary, and helpful information and advice to help parents, carers, and children adapt to life during lockdown. The packs have supported families to build positive relationships, encouraging parents and children to work together to complete engaging activities during these challenging times.  The packs have been very well received and families have felt supported in their wellbeing, parenting, and engagement with their children. Referrals come from family support workers, school nurses, social services, mental health workers, and other family support organisations to support families on low income, single parent families, isolation, children with additional needs, behavioural difficulties, parental mental health, or child’s mental health. 
“Thank you so much for the box of goodies that you dropped off to my grandchildren today. The children were very excited to open it and it has kept them very busy especially with the unpredictable weather today.  Thank you so much for your kindness.” – a grandparent whose grandchildren received a pack 
“One of my Haverhill families has been using the booklet from the craft pack to help with her parenting and going through it with her Home-Start volunteer each week. She is enjoying filling it out and said it really is helping her. She would be interested in attending a parenting course at some point and I suggested the Raising Children workshop when things are up and running again”. – a professional 

“We are so grateful for this funding from Suffolk Community Foundation.  With the money, we have been able to provide many more parenting resource packs to those that really needed them.  They have made such a difference to the families we support.  Lots of fun activities for the kids, as well as fun things to do for the rest of the family.  We also included a parenting manual that gave some short tips to parents at what can be a difficult time.  Richard, our project worker drive round hand delivering packs, and making a real difference to so many families – thank you.”

Suzanne Pearson

Director, Sharing Parenting

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