Suffolk Mind – EARLY Minds
Suffolk Mind Early Minds

EARLY Minds from Suffolk Mind is a model for mental wellbeing taught in primary schools.

The programme introduces patterns that underpin good mental health that will help children for the rest of their lives. EARLY Minds teaches children, their teachers, support staff, parents and carers to identify their emotional needs and find healthy ways to get these needs met.

The funding from the Suffolk Community Foundation has meant that a Suffolk school is benefitting from the delivery of EARLY Minds. 86 children in both KS1 and KS2 have been introduced to the skills and knowledge that lay the foundation for life-long mental wellbeing through whole class workshop sessions.

15 staff have accessed the popular Your Needs Met training in person, after postponements due to Covid-19 restrictions. The headteacher said it was the best training they have received so far and it really benefitted them.

Our training has also reached the parents and carers of students at the school via an assembly recording.

This funding has enabled us to impact the whole school with our teaching which will help to build resilience and give both the children and adults tools to help with their mental health and wellbeing.

Suffolk Mind Early Minds              Suffolk Mind Early MInds             

The funding we have received from Suffolk Community Foundation has enabled us to work with more children in Suffolk. We have been able to teach lifelong, invaluable skills of how to meet emotional needs. Teaching children from a young age enables an emotional awareness which can be taken into adulthood.

Katie Hollis

Children and Young People Coordinator, Suffolk Mind