Suffolk Family Carers – Who’s in Charge Programme

Suffolk Family Carers offers support for family carers, including provision of information, advice and support, as well as providing representation of carers’ needs and campaigns on issues that affect family carers to ensure their voice is heard. 

Parents who are carers to a young person with behavioural issues, substance misuse or mental health difficulties are at risk of hidden harm by virtue of their caring role. The Who’s in Charge parenting programme addresses the issue of child to parent violence within the context of a caring role. Parents and carers are provided with strategies and concepts that are empowering and enabling, helping them regain control and set limits. The assumptions of such behaviours are challenged, and participants are encouraged to reflect on parenting style and influence. 

Grants awarded from the RJB Grantmaking Fund and the Catalyst Fund enabled Suffolk Family Carers to run the Who’s in Charge programme for 16 families, through two hour sessions structured over a eight week period with weekly homework tasks. 

It was good to sing those familiar songs along with you. Such care and support keeps the threads of our singing family together while we can’t meet.” – a Lifting Spirits singer who lives alone

I really appreciate the C.D.s that you have been sending to me and would appreciate you carrying this on. I have used them and the CDs have helped me through this worrying and lonely time very much.” – a bereaved HeartSong singer living alone